I leave for the Philippines in two days! I am becoming more and more anxious as the date approaches. Today I packed and finished last minute shopping for things I will donate to the center we're working at. I bought lots of chopsticks for gifts, twisty balloons, and water balloons. I also bought a new pillow for my neck which I injured last month snowboarding.
I will be leading a team of two other people to the island of Mindanao where we will be helping out at a center for orphans. Last year I worked at the same place and greatly affected by the experience. The kids have come from very difficult family situations involving abuse and are awaiting adoption into new families. However, despite their histories they are some of the happiest, good-natured kids I have ever worked with. I have also never met females who were more willing or at ease with killing a thumb-sized cochroach or mouse than me.
The staff are equally amazing and I was impressed by their parenting/teaching methods. Some of them work 24 hours a day at the center, taking only occassional days of rest or breaks but never faulting it seems. It is truly a community of renewed hope and joy.
Our journey will begin tomorrow evening with an over-night bus to the Kyoto, two trains to Kansai airport, a plane to Manila, an over-night layover, and then another plane to Cagayan de Oro. This makes for a grand-total of 36hours, 15minutes of travel time. Let the good times roll!