In one of my previous posts, I (emphatically) described my backpacking journey through the mountains in Nagano. The same mountain range is clearly visible from my town, the bases climbing straight up, constrasting strongly with the very flat plane of fields from which they emerge. As the season progresses, a white blanket has begun to fall over these peaks, slowly flowing down, in time meeting the ocean. For us Toyama gaikokujin (foreigners), it is impossible to imagine snow in our area during the uncomfortable humidity of the summer, where a small errand such as going to the store could require a shower and a change of clothes. Each season carries a distinct presence in Toyama though, and winter brings with it new pleasantries such as snowboarding, burrying little kids in snow, and two sphered snowmen.
Here are some pictures of the beautiful tree, snow (and bear) covered mountains from the last week. Enjoy

a beautiful description!! well written JP! but what did you do to that photo...weird!!
glad you're finally able to upload photos!!
you going boarding in December??
Well, well, well, lookie what we got here!!
Nice blog mate.
The elongated picture is a panoramic view. I used a program that combines the photos and then adds perspective and shading to make it seem more realistic. Hee hee!
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