We do not only invite Canadians and Americans though. Plenty of Japanese and Limeys have turned up as well and, being a potluck, the food has lacked interestingness. However, we have still managed to retain the staples; turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie and a few others.
With forty people, the location can be very important so with the help of fellow Japanese, we have been able to use a mountainside cabin for two years now. It has an indoor bath, a lake, a park, and bears.
Here's a video from us Nyuzen folk at the 3rd annual Thanksgiving celebration in our town. It was enjoyed.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=566908626765349016&pr=goog-sl Happy
Here are some photos of the day in retrospect.

Thank you to Sumiyoshisan for reserving the house for us two years in a row. Thank you Josh for organizing the event. Thank you Matt for not bringing crackers. No thank you to everyone who took all the pie home and didn't leave any for me. Just for that, I won't be cooking the turkey next year;)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'll buy you a pie if you stay!!
Thanks for cooking the turkey again...we NEED you to cook it next year!! Who's gonna do it??
whoever has an oven I guess
Hey JP! Long time no see! I also celebrated Thanksgiving overseas, although we didn't manage to have a turkey, so you one upped me there. I posted some pics about it on my blog, so come on over!
PS: Going back to the States anytime soon? If you're there next summer we are totally going to Wunderland arcade, OK? Take care and God bless!
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